LD Language Elements
SR2MAN01 11/2007
Parameters The following operating modes are possible:
z No: no change,
z Automatic change: Dates are preset according to geographic zone:
z EUROPE: Europe,
z USA.
z OTHER ZONE: The change is automatic, but you must specify the month: M and
the Sunday: S (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 ) on which the summer/winter change takes place.
Modifying the
Mode of a Coil or
a Contact
In the programming software, to modify the state of a contact, simply position the
cursor on it, then:
With the mouse: right-click to display a list of possible states (left-click to validate),
z With the space bar: Scroll through all possible states.
To modify a contact from the front panel of the smart relay (the programming window
displayed on screen), simply:
z Place the cursor over the letter of the contact,
z Proceed as indicated in the paragraph Modifying an element,, p. 51, to scroll
through the possible contact types (W for a normally open contact, w for a
normally closed contact).
Initialization State of the contacts and current value on initialization of the program:
z The normally open mode (direct state) is inactive,
z The normally closed mode (inverse state) is active.