LD Language Elements
SR2MAN01 11/2007
Counter Comparators
Description This function is used to compare the current counting values of two counters or of a
counter and a constant value.
Use as a Contact The counter comparator indicates whether the chosen condition is verified. It is used
as a contact, in normally open mode or in normally closed mode.
Normally open mode:
Symbol of the counter comparator, in normally open mode:
The contact is conducting when the condition is verified.
Normally closed mode:
Symbol of the counter comparator, in normally closed mode:
The contact is conducting when the condition is not verified.
from the Front
The Counter Comparators function block cannot be configured from the front panel
of the smart relay. This function must be configured from the programming software.
See on-line help of the programming software for more information on configuration.
Modifying the
Mode of a Coil or
a Contact
To modify the operating mode of a coil or a contact from the front panel of the smart
relay (the programming window displayed on screen), simply:
Position the cursor on the symbol representing the coil mode or on the letter of the contact,
z Proceed as described in the paragraph Modifying an element,, p. 44, to scroll
through the possible modes for a coil or possible contact types (V for normally
open contact, v for a normally closed contact).
Initialization Status of contacts on program initialization:
z Normally open mode (direct state) is inactive,
z Normally closed mode (reverse state) is active.
Note: The Counter Comparators function block can only be configured from the
programming software in Ladder Entry mode.
See on-line help of the programming software for more information.