SmartSync/DCP Installation Guide
TXLAT.EXE - Trace Translation Program
The TXLAT utility accepts 3780Link trace files as input and converts the
hexadecimal EBCDIC codes of these files into a more readable format.
TXLAT runs only from within a MS-DOS session. The DOS command line
syntax of TXLAT is:
txlat [-b] [-x<file>] -i<file> -o<file>
-b suppress translation of non-protocol trace characters
(use if binary data is expected)
-x specify an alternate translation table file (corresponds
to -x switch in 3780Link)
-i specify the input trace file
-o specify the translated output file
AMXBSC.EXE −− SmartSync/DCP Download File
The “amxbsc.exe” file is downloaded to each SmartSync/DCP prior to
loading 3780Link by running the Dcpload program that is described below.
A download need only be performed once before the first use of 3780Link.
This file is NOT an executable Windows program.
DCPLOAD −− SmartSync/DCP Download Utility
This program is used to initialize each SmartSync/DCP co-processor and
download the “amxbsc.exe” file. The “amxbsc.exe” file is expected to be
found in the current working directory. The optional command line switches
for Dcpload are described below:
-b board Specific board number to load [1-6]
The -b switch specifies which SmartSync/DCP Dcpload is to load. You must
indicate the board number, 1 through 6, as appropriate. The board number