Takes a where clause and a select clause and returns a QueryResultSet of NameValueRecord
instances containing the selected values.
selectKeys identies the values to be returned, functioning as an SQL select clause.
The query parameter is a where clause in the 5800 system query syntax, which is a subset of SQL.
Returns a QueryResultSet. The results are stepped through by calling the next method and
using the getObjectIdentifier accessor.
Note – For more information on the 5800 system query language, refer to Chapter 4, “Sun
StorageTek 5800 System Query Language.”
query (with PreparedStatement)
Returns the OIDs of metadata records matching the query as a QueryResultSet instance.
public QueryResultSet query(PreparedStatement query,
int resultsPerFetch)
Takes a PreparedStatement and returns a QueryResultSet of SystemRecord instances
containing MetadataRecord OIDs.
The PreparedStatement parameter enables queries with dynamic parameters to pass typed
data items to the query.
Returns a QueryResultSet. The results are stepped through by calling the next method and
using the typed getXXX accessor methods.
Note – For more information on the 5800 system query language, refer to Chapter 4, “Sun
StorageTek 5800 System Query Language.”
query (with PreparedStatement and selectKeys)
Returns specied elds from metadata records matching the query as a QueryResultSet
Chapter2 • SunStorageTek 5800SystemJavaClientAPI 35