
oid — The objectid for this object, equivalent to the system.object_id eld.
digest_algo — Always set to "sha1" for this release. Equivalent to the
system.object_hash_alg eld.
data_digest — An array of bytes that represent the content digest of this object's data.
Equivalent to the system.object_hash eld.
size — The size of the data in this object, in bytes. Equivalent to the system.object_size
creation_time — The object creation time, expressed as number of milliseconds since the
epoch. Equivalent to the system.object_ctime eld.
deleted_time — The deletion time of this record, if any, as the number of milliseconds since
the epoch.
shredMode Not used in this release.
is_indexed — indicates, after a store_data or store_metadata operation, whether the
metadata for the object was successfully inserted into the query engine, and the object is
hence available for query. 0 if false, 1 if true.
Failure and Recovery
Every function in the 5800 system C client library returns a result code of type hcerr_t.Any
value other than HCERR_OK indicates a nonrecoverable error. See the hc.h le for specic error
C Client Application Deployment
C applications using the 5800 system C API use both the 5800 system libraries and the curl
libraries. These libraries are dierent for each supported platform (Windows, Linux, Solaris
(x86), Solaris (SPARC)) and are located in the c/<OS>/lib directory in the SDK.
Note The environment variable http_proxy should not be set for processes using the C API,
since the HTTP client library ( curl) makes use of it.
Nonblocking C API
The nonblocking C API is not implemented for this release of the 5800 system. If you are
interested in working with the nonblocking C API, contact your 5800 system Sales
NonblockingC API
Chapter3 SunStorageTek 5800SystemCClient API 43