public QueryResultSet
query(PreparedStatement query,
java.lang.String[] selectKeys,
int resultsPerFetch)
Takes a where clause and a select clause and returns a QueryResultSet of NameValueRecord
instances containing the selected values.
selectKeys identies the values to be returned, functioning as an SQL select clause.
The PreparedStatement parameter enables queries with dynamic parameters to pass typed data
items to the query.
Returns a QueryResultSet. The results are stepped through by calling the next method and
using the getObjectIdentifier accessor.
Note – For more information on the 5800 system query language, refer to Chapter 4, “Sun
StorageTek 5800 System Query Language.”
Extends com.sun.honeycomb.common.Encoding
public PreparedStatement(java.lang.String sql);
Used to implement queries with Dynamic Parameters, which is the preferred way to pass typed
data items to a StorageTek 5800 query.
The number of bindParameter calls should match the number of question marks (?) in the
query string in the prepared statement. Parameters are specied positionally. For example, a
bindParameter call with index = 1 supplies a value for the rst ? in the supplied query string.
Once a value has been supplied for each of the dynamic parameters, then the
PreparedStatement may be passed to the NameValueObjectArchive.query method to be
executed, for example:
NameValueObjectArchive archive = new NameValueObjectArchive(hostname);
Date date_value= new java.sql.Date();
PreparedStatement stmt = new PreparedStatement( "date_field<?”);
SunStorageTek 5800SystemClientAPIReferenceManual • June 200836