Instruction Classification
Table 4–11. Instruction Classification (Continued)
Class Sub-
4 Register and memory reference
A Memory references that use Rx; all addressing modes available
B Memory references with short constant fields operating on Rx
C Memory references with long constant fields operating on Rx in errata, has not been connected
D Memory references with R5 operating on Rx
5 General mMemory reference instructions
6 I/O port and memory reference instructions
A Port/memory reference
B Port/accumulator reference
7 Program control instructions
A Macro call instructions
B Conditional and unconditional jump instructions
C Conditional and unconditional call instructions
8 Logical bit instructions
A Logical flag instructions
B Test status instructions
9 Miscellaneous instructions
A Filter instructions
B Miscellaneous short constant instructions
C Accumulator address instructions
D Other instructions