Individual Instruction Descriptions
4-89Assembly Language Instructions
Description If cc condition in Table 4–48 is true, PC + 2 is pushed onto the stack and the
second word operand is loaded into the PC. If the condition is false, execution
defaults to a NOP. A Ccc instruction cannot be followed by a return (RET)
instruction. No restriction applies if IRET is used instead of RET.
Syntax Alternate Syntax Description
CA pma16
CNA pma16
CNBE pma16
CBE pma16
Conditional call on above (unsigned)
Conditional call on not above (unsigned)
CB pma16
CNB pma16
Conditional call on below (unsigned)
Conditional call on not below (unsigned)
CC pma16
CNC pma16
Conditional call on CF = 1
Conditional call on CF = 0
CE pma16
CNE pma16
Conditional call on equal
Conditional call on not equal
CG pma16
CNG pma16
CNLE pma16
CLE pma16
Conditional call on greater (signed)
Conditional call on not greater (signed)
CIN1 pma16
CNIN1 pma16
Conditional call on IN1 = 1
Conditional call on IN1 = 0
CIN2 pma16
CNIN2 pma16
Conditional call on IN2 = 1
Conditional call on IN2 = 0
CL pma16
CNL pma16
CNGE pma16
CGE pma16
Conditional call on less (signed)
Conditional call on not less (signed)
CO pma16
CNO pma16
Conditional call on OF = 1
Conditional call on OF = 0
CS pma16
CNS pma16
Conditional call on SF = 1
Conditional call on SF = 0
CTAG pma16
CNTAG pma16
Conditional call on TAG = 1
Conditional call on TAG = 0
CTF1 pma16
CNTF1 pma16
Conditional call on TF1 = 1
Conditional call on TF1 = 0
CTF2 pma16
CNTF2 pma16
Conditional call on TF2 = 1
Conditional call on TF2 = 0
CZ pma16
CNZ pma16
Conditional call on ZF = 1
Conditional call on ZF = 0
CRA pma16
CRNA pma16
CRNBE pma16
CRBE pma16
Conditional call on Rx above (unsigned)
Conditional call on Rx not above (unsigned)