Instruction Classification
Table 4–33. Class 8a Instruction Description
C8a Mnemonic Description
0 0 0 MOV TFn, {flagadrs} Load flag bit (17
bit) from data memory referred by flag addressing mode
{flagadrs} to either TF1 or TF2 in status register. Load with inverted value if
0 1 0 OR TFn, {flagadrs} Logically OR either TF1 or TF2 with flag bit (17
bit) from data memory
referred by flag addressing mode {flagadrs} (or inverted value if N=1)
addressed by the instruction and store back to TF1 or TF2 respectively.
1 0 0 AND TFn, {flagadrs} Logically AND either TF1 or TF2 with flag bit (17
bit) from data memory
referred by flag addressing mode {flagadrs} (or inverted value if Not=1)
addressed by the instruction and store back to TF1 or TF2 respectively.
1 1 0 XOR TFn, {flagadrs} Logically exclusive OR either TF1 or TF2 with flag bit (17
bit) from data
memory in {flagadrs} if Not=1(or inverted value if Not=0) addressed by the
instruction and store back to TF1 or TF2 respectively.
0 0 1 MOV {flagadrs}, TFn Store TF1 or TF2 to flag bit (17
bit) from data memory referred by flag
addressing mode {flagadrs}.
Table 4–32 RFLAG {flagadrs} Reset flag bit (17
bit) from data memory referred by flag addressing mode
{flagadrs}.to 0
Table 4–32 SFLAG {flagadrs} Set flag bit (17
bit) from data memory referred by flag addressing mode
{flagadrs}.to 1
Table 4–34. Class 8b Instruction Description
C8b Mnemonic Description
0 0 MOV TFn, {cc} [, Rx] Load a logic value of the tested condition to one of the test flag bits in
status register (TF1 or TF2).
0 1 OR TFn, {cc} [, Rx] Logically modify one of the two test flags in status register (TF1 or TF2) by
ORing it with the status condition specified.
1 0 AND TFn, {cc} [, Rx] Logically modify one of the two test flags in status register (TF1 or TF2) by
ANDing it with the status condition specified.
1 1 XOR TFn, {cc} [, Rx] Logically modify one of the two test flags in status register (TF1 or TF2) by
EXCLUSIVE ORing it with the status condition specified. For this instruction
the polarity of Not is inverted (Not=1 for XOR, Not=0 for XNOR).
4.4.9 Class 9 Instructions: Miscellaneous
This instruction class includes all the remaining instructions that do not fit in
the previous classes. Some instructions have byte wide operand fields and
others have no operands. One subclass is a set of instructions that provide
specific DSP functions (FIR filters). Another subclass provides some
hardware/ software loop capability. Ten instructions provide the means to set
or reset five different status mode bits independently.