SVS Introduction
6-2 Supply Voltage Supervisor
6.1 SVS Introduction
The supply voltage supervisor (SVS) is used to monitor the AV
voltage or an external voltage. The SVS can be configured to set a flag or
generate a POR reset when the supply voltage or external voltage drops below
a user-selected threshold.
The SVS features include:
- AV
- Selectable generation of POR
- Output of SVS comparator accessible by software
- Low-voltage condition latched and accessible by software
- 14 selectable threshold levels
- External channel to monitor external voltage
The SVS block diagram is shown in Figure 6−1.
Note: MSP430x412 and MSP430x413 Voltage Level Detect
The MSP430x412 and MSP430x413 devices implement only one voltage
level detect setting. When VLDx = 0 the SVS is off. Any value greater than
0 for VLDx selects a voltage level detect of 1.9V.