
Timer_B Operation
13.2.2 Starting the Timer
The timer may be started or restarted in the following ways:
- The timer counts when MCx > 0 and the clock source is active.
- When the timer mode is either up or up/down, the timer may be stopped
by loading 0 to TBCL0. The timer may then be restarted by loading a
nonzero value to TBCL0. In this scenario, the timer starts incrementing in
the up direction from zero.
13.2.3 Timer Mode Control
The timer has four modes of operation as described in Table 131: stop, up,
continuous, and up/down. The operating mode is selected with the MCx bits.
Table 131.Timer Modes
MCx Mode Description
00 Stop The timer is halted.
01 Up The timer repeatedly counts from zero to the value of
compare register TBCL0.
10 Continuous The timer repeatedly counts from zero to the value se-
lected by the TBCNTLx bits.
11 Up/down The timer repeatedly counts from zero up to the value of
TBCL0 and then back down to zero.