Toll Restriction
Program 47 – Toll Restriction Exception Office Codes Assigned by Area Codes (Tables 1~16)
4-36 Strata DK Programming 5/99
Program 47 – Toll Restriction Exception Office Codes
Assigned by Area Codes (Tables 1~16)
Processor Type:
DK14, DK40i, All RCTUs
Program Type:
Toll Restriction
Initialized Default:
Assigns no office codes to tables
Processor Exception Table Processor Exception Table
DK14 01~08 RCTUBA/BB 01~08
DK40i 01~08 RCTUC/D 01~16
RCTUA 01~08 RCTUE/F 01~16
Exception Table: Area Code:
DATA = Record of Exception Office Codes
SELECT = Exception Table from Legend
A new exception table is needed for each
area code with office codes that are
exceptions to restriction.
Enter only one area code per exception table.
Enter or display office code(s).
To add a range, enter XXX
XXX (low office
high office code).
Several ranges or individual office codes may be
entered by separating them with the # button.
SELECT = Exception Table (01~16)
Enter: 2, 3, 4#
2 = add to the exception table
3 = Delete from the exception table
4# = Display the exception table’s office codes.