Program *11-1 – CAMA Trunk Group Line Assignments
8-6 Strata DK Programming 5/99
Program *11-1 – CAMA Trunk Group Line Assignments
Processor Type:
All RCTUs (Release 4.0)
Program Type:
Initialized Default:
all LEDs OFF
Program *11-1 Overview
This program assigns lines to CAMA trunk groups. Each RCMU/RMCS line used must be
assigned to one of the eight CAMA trunk groups using Program *11-1. The RCMU/RMCS system
line number (not the CAMA trunk number, 1~4) is entered into the appropriate CAMA trunk
group in this program. If CAMA trunks are not assigned in this program, the E911 CAMA feature
will not operate.
When the RCMU/RMCS PCBs are installed, they assume the next four consecutive system CO
line numbers. For example if a normal ground start line PCB, RGLU, is installed in slot 12, its
system line numbers are 01~04. And, if the RCMU/RMCS is installed in slot 13, its line numbers
are 05~08.
This program also allows any type (ground, loop, Tie, DID) line to be assigned in CAMA Trunk
Groups. This is to allow 911 calls to be routed out normal CO lines in case the CAMA trunk(s) can
not be accessed (busy or out of service). If the 911 call hunts from the CAMA trunk(s) in a CAMA
Trunk Group to a normal CO line in a CAMA Trunk Group, the 911digits (dial pulses or DTMF
tones) will be sent out the normal line without the station CESID information digits. The normal
lines assigned in CAMA trunk groups can be assigned in Program 16 line groups as well.
It is recommended to always assign normal lines in CAMA Trunk groups to back CAMA trunks.
Processor CO Line Range Processor CO Line Range
DK14 001~004 RCTUBA/BB 001~048
DK40i 001~012 RCTUC/D 001~144
RCTUA 001~016 RCTUE/F 001~200
CAMA Trunk
CO Line Numbers of CAMA Trunks
Line circuit number of CAMA trunk: Turn ON
LED of line that corresponds to the CAMA trunk
position in the system.
CAMA Trunk Group (01~08)