System & Station
Program 10-3 – System Assignments, Part 3 of 3
3-38 Strata DK Programming 5/99
LEDs 01~04: Amplified Conference Assignments
Light LEDs 01~04 to identify which PEKU ports should be connected to external amplifiers.
External Amplified Conference is provided by customer-supplied two-way amplifiers connected
to system PEKU ports to amplify “two-line” calls.
♦ DK424 and DK40i: Up to four amplifiers can be connected, depending on the DK system
type (two PEKU ports per amplifier). The number of simultaneous Two-CO line conferencing
(three-party) calls varies according to the processor:
DK40i: 4 calls (2 amplified)
RCTUA: 4 calls (3 amplified)
RCTUB, RCTUBA/BB and RCTUC/D: 10 calls (4 amplified)
RCTUE: 20 calls (4 amplified)
For DK424 and DK 40, amplifiers are switched into Two-CO line calls automatically, one
amplifier for each call, starting from the lowest PEKU ports enabled to the highest (see
Program 10-3 record sheet). Skipping ports is allowed. Two-CO line calls established after all
amplifiers are in use will not be amplified.
The first amplifier can be connected to PEKU ports 017 and 018, skipping ports 009 and 010. In
this case, LED 02 should be ON and LED 01 should be OFF. (See Program 10-1, LEDs 19 and 20;
Program 10-2, LEDs 18 and 19; and Program 15-5 for more information on Two-line Conference.)
Important! The amplifiers used for supervised, Two-line Conference connections are switched
in automatically starting with the first connection. Calls made when there are no
amplifiers available will not be amplified. Unsupervised Two-line tandem
connections are not limited to the numbers listed above (by processor), but are
limited by the number of lines equipped in the system.
Note External amplifiers also amplify two-line DISA, Call Forward External, DNIS externally
routed calls, DID, and Tie line trunk to trunk calls.