Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 User’s Guide
1. From the service list on the Bluetooth Settings screen, tap and hold
on the name of the PAN service (GN or NAP) to which you want to
connect, then tap Connection Registration on the pop-up menu.
When the connection registration is complete, the device and service
icons change to registered connection icons.
2. Tap OK.
The screen closes and the Today screen appears.
3. Tap on the Bluetooth icon on the command bar.
The Bluetooth menu appears.
4. Tap Start Personal Area Networking on the Bluetooth menu.
My Device connects to the remote device.
For further operations, please refer to "Inbox: Sending and Receiving
Email Messages" on page 71.
Ending PAN service
1. Tap on the Bluetooth icon on the command bar of the Today screen.
The Bluetooth menu appears.
2. Tap End Personal Area Networking on the Bluetooth menu.
My Device disconnects from the remote device and the Bluetooth
connection is terminated.
Changing the network configuration for PAN service
1. Tap Start, Settings, Connection tab, and then Network Adapter.
Configure Network Adaptors screen appears.