Chapter 10: Bluetooth
Advanced settings
The default settings are as follows.
In the default setting for Home, the Security Mode is set to Non-secure
and, therefore, unspecified devices may be able to connect to Local
Device. It is recommended that you set the Security Mode to Security On.
If you want to set the Connectability Mode to Non-connectable and you
are operating your Toshiba Pocket PC e800/e805 in an environment in
which there are three or more operating Bluetooth devices, you should
also set the Discoverability Mode to Non-discoverable.
Registration History
Tap Registration History on the Options menu to display the Auto Con-
nection Registration History screen. Tap on the Category selection box to
display the list of category. Each list displays the latest registration which
can be a maximum of three items. The selected item is current available
connection registration. You can change current available item, if you
mark other item by tap to select.
Security Mode Encryption
Office Discoverable Connectable Security On Yes
Mobile Non-discoverable Non-connectable Security On Yes
Home Discoverable Connectable Non-secure No
Other Discoverable Connectable Security On Yes
You can also change the security setting by tapping and
holding on Bluetooth icon on the Today screen and tap-
ping Change Security Setting. A menu with the four secu-
rity settings appears. Tap the desired security setting.