Chapter 11: Optional Functions
3. Tap OK.
ATI Presentation Pack
The Toshiba Presentation Pack with ATI IMAGEON Dual Display Solution
comes bundled with the ATI Presentation Pack, which includes the IA Pre-
senter and IA Screen Mirror modules.
IA Presenter
Take your Microsoft Windows PowerPoint slides and use IA Presenter to
run a smooth presentation directly from your Pocket PC. IA Presenter can
run as a standalone mobile PowerPoint player using your portable
device’s LCD screen. But with IA Presenter and the Toshiba Presentation
Pack linked to an LCD projector or a monitor, you can create powerful pre-
sentations from your Pocket PC.
IA Screen Mirror
The IA Screen Mirror with the Toshiba Presentation Pack projects the cur-
rent contents of your Pocket PC’s LCD screen onto an external projector,
or monitor. It can display up to nine different images from your LCD output
at the same time on the second display. See page 203 for information on
IA Presenter
Getting Started
After you invoke IA Presenter, the screen lists all the converted Power-
Point presentations currently in your \My Documents folder. A sample pre-
sentation file is included with the installation, so at least one file will be
listed when you initially invoke IA Presenter.
Enter the parameter
specific to the program.