ES5044R Servers
7017 6300–005 6–39
Optional User Access Components
Table 6–30 lists components included with the optional user access components package,
style VX4000-CP3.
Table 6–30. VX4000-CP3 Optional User Access Components, ES5044R
Style Number Qty. Description
B25-LC 1 Line Cord (Note 1)
EVG2100-P 1 15-Inch Monitor, Color
PCK1-EXT 2 Cable M to F PS2 Keyboard EXT
PCK104-SKB 1 Keyboard (Note 2)
PWM1-PS2 1 2-Button Mouse
SVG100-EXT 1 M to F SVGA Extension Cable
1. Line cord selection must be based on site location.
2. Language selection must be based on site location.
Configuration Guidelines ES5044R
Figure 6–10 shows the connection from a ES5044R server to the CIOM card in the CEC
module or to the PCI Thru card in channel racks.
To CS Bus in CEC or PCI
Thru card in channel racks
Server A
7019 7488-000
Remaining Servers
7019 7488-002
Figure 6–10. ES5044R Server CS Bus Cable Connection