Hardware Overview
7017 6300–005 1–5
Expansion Sections
The expansion sections house the following units:
− Server A
− Optional servers (up to five maximum per domain)
− Up to two Maintenance LAN Hubs, unlimited switching (Public) Hubs, and up to
two Apex Selector ST Switches
− An OSS7000 rack containing system peripheral units, including:
ο CD-ROM drive
ο QIC tape drive
ο Two disk drives
− Optional Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
SVGA Monitor and Keyboard with Mouse
• Provides the operator interface with the system
• Includes cables for positioning the keyboard, monitor, and mouse on a table or similar
surface near the system cabinet. A table is available as an option.
• A remote support modem—for domestic systems only—is located with the monitor
and keyboard.
The I/O Subsystem
The I/O subsystem includes:
• Rack-mounted devices
• Other I/O devices
Rack-Mounted Devices
• Housed in 36U-high rack-style utility cabinets (U = 1.75 inches)
• Accommodates rack devices with both Unity Storage Device (USD) and Open Storage
Device (OSD) style prefixes
• Rack-mounted devices connect to channel adapters via CS-bus interfaces (see
Sections 4 and 5)
For a comprehensive list of racks and devices qualified for use on the system, refer to
Appendix A in the ClearPath Enterprise Server NX I/O Hardware Configuration Guide
(7008 6087).