NX5820 and NX5820 K Memory
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Table 3–2. NX5820 and NX5820 K Memory Styles and Upgrade Components (cont.)
Style Description
MSK208 Style Memory
MSK208-384 Provides a basic eight requestor MSK memory board with two chip sets (four DRAMs) for a
memory capacity of 384 megabytes of storage. Up to three boards, each orderable under
style MEM298384-ADD, can be configured per domain.
MEM298384-ADD Provides one additional MSK208-384 memory board, plus an additional 3.3 V DC Power
MOD384-DM2 Provides two chip sets (four DRAMs) for upgrading the memory capacity of the basic
MSK208-384 style memory board to 768 megabytes.
MSK412 Style Memory
MSK412-384 Provides a basic twelve requestor MSK memory board with attached mezzanine board and
two chip sets (four DRAMs) for a memory capacity of 384 megabytes of storage. Up to
three boards, each orderable under style MEM412384-ADD, can be configured per domain.
MEM412384-ADD Provides one additional MSK412-384 memory board, plus an additional 3.3 V DC Power
MOD384-DM2 Provides two chip sets (four DRAMs) for upgrading the memory capacity of the basic
MSK412-384 style memory board to 1536 megabytes in increments of 384 megabytes.