
For be st perfo rma nce of the dish wa sher, follow t he se loadi ng guideline s. Featur es and
appea rance of bask ets and cut ler y basket s may va ry from your mod el.
Attention before or after Loading the Dishwasher Baskets
Scr ape off any la rge amou nts of le ftover foo d. Soft en remnants of b urnt food in p ans.
It is not ne cessary to rin se the dishes un der runni ng water.
Plac e objects in the dishw asher in foll owing way:
1.Ite mss uch as cups, glass es, p ots/pan s, et c. a re faced downw ards.
2.Cur ved i tem s, or on es with rece sses , should be loa ded aslant so that water can run off.
3.All utensils are stacked securely and can not tip over.
4.All uten sils are pl ac ed in the way tha t the spr ay arms can rotate fre ely durin gw ashi ng.
Very sma ll items shou ld no t be w ashed in the dishw ash er as they coul d easily fall ou t of th eb aske ts.
Bowl M Bowl L() ()
Dessert plate
(Eg g )
Gravy ladle
Loading the Upper Rack
The up per r ack i s de sig n ed t o hol d more delicate a nd l igh ter d i shware s uc h as gl as ses , c of f ee
and tea cup and sauc ers, as well as pl ates , sm all bowls and sha llow pa ns (as lo ng as the y ar e
not too dirty) .
Po sition the dishes and cookw are so t hat t hey do not get move dby the spray of wa te r.
Upper wheels
Lower wheels
Adjusting the Upper Basket
Th e height o f the upper basket can be adj usted in order to cre ate more spa ce for lar ge utensi ls
both for the upper/lowerbasket.The height of the upperbasket canbe adjusted byplacing the
wheels on di fferen t height of the r ai ls. Long items , serving cu tlery, salad serve rs and knives
should be pl aced on the shel f so that they do not o bstruct the rota tion of the spr ay arms.
Th e shelf ca nb e fold ed b ack or b e remove d when not requ ired for use.