
The f ilter pre vent sl arger remn ant s of food or ot her obj ects from gett ing insi de th e pu m.
The residues may blockthefilter, inthis casethey mustbe removed.
The filter system consists of a coarse filter,a flat (Main filter)
A n d a mi c rofilter( F i ne fi lte r ) .
Food and soil particles trapped in this filter are pulverizedby a
specia l jet ont he l ower spr ay ar ma nd washed down to drain.
Lar g er item s, suc h as pie c es of bo ne s or gl ass, tha t cou ld blo ck
the drainaretrappedin the coarse filter.To remove theitems
caugh t by the filter, ge ntly sque eze the t ap on th eto p of this
filterand liftout.
Thisfilter holds soiland food residuesin the sumpareaand
preventsitfrom being redepositon the dishes during washcycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Filtering System
Filter assembly
The filter efficiently
For b est p erf orm ance and res ults, the f ilt er must be cl eaned re gula rly. t his reaso n, it is a goo di dea to
r emo ve th el arger foo d particl es trapp ed in the filte r aft er each was h cyc leb y rin sing t he sem icirc ula r filter and
c up unde r runnin g water. To remove the fil ter de vice , pull th ec up handle in t he upwa rdd irect ion.
re mo ves food part icle s fro m th e wa sh wate r,al lowin g it to be rec ycled dur ing the cycl e.
T he di sh was her mus t ne ver be u sed wi t hout t he fil t er s.
Imp ro per rep lac ement of the filter may red uce the performanc e level o f the applia nce
and damage dishesand utensils.
St ep 1 Turn the filt er in anti-clockwis e direction,
t hen lif t it up.
St ep 2 lift the Main filter up
Step 3 lift theF ine filter up
When following this procedure fro m step1 to step 3, the filter system will b e removed;
when following it from Step 3 to Step 1, the f ilter system will be installed.