nor mal fo r a small amount of water t o c ome out o f the sa l t c o ntainer.It is
1. The salt con tainer must only be refilled when the sal t wa rn ing light in the control pan el comes on.
Depend ing on how wel l the salt dissolve s, the salt warni ng light may still be on even tho ugh the
salt container is fill ed.
If there is no salt w arning light i n the con trol panel (f or some Mode ls),you c an e stim ate when to f ill
the salt into the so ftene r by the cycles that the di shwasher has run.
2. If there are spills o ft he salt, a soak or a rap id pro gram s houl d be run to remove the exce ssiv e salt.
Always u se the sal t intende d for use wi th dishwasher.
The sa lt co ntain er is locat ed ben eath the lowe r basket and shoul d be fill ed as explaine d in th e
foll ow ing:
Only use salt spe cif ica ll y desi gne d fort he use in dishwash ers! Every other type of
salt no t speci fically desig ned fo r theu se in a dishwas her, espe cially table salt, will
damage the w ater sof tener. In case of da ma ges caused by the use of unsuitab le
salt the ma nuf act ure r does not give any wa rrant y nor is liable for any damage s caused.
Only fil lwi th salt just befo re star ting one of the co mp let e washing pro grams.
This wi ll p reve nt any grains of salt or salty wate r,w hi ch ma y have b een s pilled,
remain ing on th e bo ttom o f th e machi ne for any pe rio d oft ime, which may cause
c o rrosio n.
B. Loading the Salt Into the Softener
C. Fill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
Th er i nse aid i s rel ease d duri ng the final rin se to pr eve nt wat er from for ming dr oplets o n your dis he s, wh ich can leave
spots and streaks. It also improve s dryi ng by allow ing water t o ro ll off the di shes . You r di shwasher is designed to
use liqu id rinse aids. The rinse aid dispenser is located inside t he do or next to the deter gent di spense r. To fill the
dispenser,open thecapand pour the rinse aidinto the dispenseruntil thelevel indicator turnscompletely black.
The volume of the rins eai d container is about 110ml.
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse aid is aut oma tic ally added d uring the last ri nse, ensur ing thor ough rin sing, and spo t and streak free drying.
Only use branded rinse aid for dishwasher.Never fill therinse aid dispenser withanyother substances
(e.g. Di shwasher cleaning ag ent, liq uid d eterge nt). This would dam age the app liance .
A Remove the lower basket and then unscrew andremove the cap from thesalt container.
B Before thefirst wash, fill 1lt. of water inthe salt container of your machine.
C Place the end of t he funnel (supp lied) into the hole and i ntroduce about 1kg of salt .
D Af ter fil ling the cont ainer , screw th e cap tigh tly b ack clo ckwise.
E Usually, the salt warni ng light wi ll stop being illumi nat ed wit hin 2-6 days af te r the salt co nt ainer ha s been fi lled wit h
sal t.
F Imm ed iat ely aft er fillin g the salt into the salt co ntainer, a washin g program sho uld be sta rt ed (We su ggest to use t he
soak orrapid program).Otherwisethe filter system, pump orother importantparts of the machinemay be damaged
by salty water. This is out ofwarranty.