Note 4: If the new Bank Select MSB is 7FH (GM rhythm voice), the tone generator unconditionally uses LSB 00H.
If the tone generator does not support a drum kit corresponding to the channel’s most recently received Pro-
gram Change, the channel will revert to the Program Change corresponding to its most recently played
rhythm kit.
Note 5: If a Bank Select MSB value of 01H~7EH (SFX voice, or unused MSB) is received and the tone generator
does not have a voice corresponding to the last received LSB and Program Change, the tone generator will
produce no sound for that channel regardless of subsequent Key On messages.
(Commentary) Users employing the XG format to generate music data should note the
following general points.
The discussion and examples provided above are intended to clarify operating specifica-
tions relevant to tone-generator manufacture. During general operation the MSB, LSB, and
Program Change information should always be sent together (as under the MIDI standard).
If the tone generator does not support a requested optional melody voice (melody voice in
bank LSB-01 or above), it will produce the basic voice having the same Program Number.
If it does not support a requested optional rhythm voice (Program Number other than 0), it
will play the standard kit.
For melody-voice play: If the channel cannot play from the bank selected by the last LSB
specification, it will revert to the most recent playable LSB specifications.
For rhythm-voice play: If the channel cannot play the kit selected by the last received Pro-
gram Number, it will revert to the most recent playable Program Number.
When creating data for the user area (Bank MSB = 01H ~ 3FH), remember that a channel
will produce no sound if the tone generator does not support a voice corresponding to the
Bank MSB.
Modulation: 01H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
1 Modulation 0 to 127
Default: 00H
If multipart parameter “Rcv MODULATION” is OFF, the part ignores this message.
Upon initialization this message applies to vibrato depth, but content can be changed by
use of System Exclusive message.
Portamento Time: 05H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
5 Portamento Time 0 to 127
Default: 00H
Sets the pitch-change speed used when Portamento is ON. Has no affect on portamento con-
trol. A value of 0 produces the shortest portamento time; value 127 selects the longest time.
Data Entry MSB/LSB: 06H/26H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
6 Data Entry MSB 0 to 127
38 Data Entry LSB 0 to 127
Sets the value for the parameter specified by RPN/NRPN.