Master Volume: 07H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
7 Volume 0 to 127
Default: 64H
If multipart parameter “Rcv VOLUME” is OFF, the part ignores this message.
Use this message to balance the volume among the different parts.
Panpot: 0AH
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
10 Panpot 0 to 127
Default: 40H
If multipart parameter “Rcv PAN” is OFF, the part ignores this message.
Produces relative variations in pan among different installments of the rhythm part.
Expression: 0BH
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
11 Expression 0 to 127
Default: 7FH
If multipart parameter “Rcv EXPRESSION” is OFF, the part ignores this message.
This message is used to control intonation expression (diminuendo and crescendo) during
Sustain: 40H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
64 Sustain 0 to 127 (0-63:Off 64-127:On)
Default: 00H
If multipart parameter “Rcv SUSTAIN” is OFF, the part ignores this message.
Portamento: 41H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
65 Portamento 0 to 127 (0-63:Off 64-127:On)
Default: 00H
If multipart parameter “Rcv PORTAMENTO” is OFF, the part ignores this message.