A/D Part
Height of bars indicates A/D Part setting. (A single bar indicates “off”
setting, while full height indicates “on.”)
Settings: off, on
This determines whether A/D Parts are enabled for the Performance
or not. When set to “on,” Parts 3 and 4 are automatically set as A/D
Parts (A1 and A2).
You can use the MU80 strictly as an effect processor for the A/D input (for example, your
guitar or microphone) by Soloing the appropriate A/D Part (A1 or A2).
Assignable Controller1 Control Change Number (AC1 CC No.)
Graphically indicates Control Change Number setting.
Range: 0 … 95
This determines which Control Change number will be used for As-
signable Controller 1 in the Performance. Assignable Controller 1
can be used to affect the Filter (page 44), the Amplitude or the Vari-
ation effect (page 89).
Though this parameter allows you to assign any control change number from 0 to 95, only a
few of these are in common use. The controllers most likely to be encountered include:
01 — Modulation wheel or lever
02 — Breath controller
04 — Foot controller
07 — Volume controller