99-01069-20 A0
4. Type the question in the text box, and then click Next.
5. Select the correct answer or the Opinion option, and then click Finish.
6. If you want to save the question as a .notebook file, select File > Save As, browse
to a folder, type a file name, and then click Save.
To start a class
1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac
menu bar, and then select Open Notebook Software.
2. Select Response > Start Class > Anonymous Mode.
You can now ask the students to connect to the class.
To connect clickers to the class using SMART Response PE
1. Press the clicker’s Power button for one second.
2. Press the Down button to select Find a class, and then press Enter.
The clicker scans for classes, and then displays a list of classes within range.
3. Press the Up and Down buttons to select the correct class, and then press Enter.
A connecting message appears.
Once your students are connected, you can start asking questions.
To connect clickers to the class using SMART Response XE
1. Press the clicker’s Power button for one second.
2. Use the soft keys to join the last class.
Use the soft keys to find a class, and then select the class.
A connecting message appears.
Once your students are connected, you can start asking questions.
To ask the question
1. Click Start Assessment on the toolbar.
The question number appears on the clicker displays, and the Response tab
opens beside the question page.
2. Ask the students to answer the question using their clickers.