D9112 Operation & Installation Manual
Page 79
© 1993-1996 Radionics74-06144-000-C 2/96
Checking Shielded Cable
If improperly installed, shielded cable can create problems rather than solve them. Follow
the procedure below to check shielded cable for proper installation.
1. Remove the drain wire for the shield from terminal 10.
2. Meter the drain wire for continuity to terminal 10 (earth ground). If there is continuity,
find and remove the foreign ground on the drain wire.
3. Reconnect the drain wire to terminal 10.
4. Meter the shield at the far end of the cable (last POPIT location on data expansion
loops) for continuity to a ground reference. If there is no continuity, find and repair the
open in the shield. Solder and tape all connections.
EMI on Long Wire Runs
EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference) can cause problems on long wire runs for serial
devices (command centers, POPITs, etc.). The use of shielded cable reduces the effect
of this interference. Some potential sources of noise on a long wire run include:
• Radio or television transmitter site.
• Ham radio operator’s transmitter site.
• Computer network system.
• Heavy machinery (large electrical motors).
• PBX telephone system.
• High voltage electrical equipment or transformers (arc welders, certain medical and
dental equipment, etc.).
• Public service office using radio communications (fire department, police department,
• Close proximity to electrical lines, telephone cabling, or fluorescent lighting fixtures.
There are many other possible sources of noise. If you suspect that noise may be a
problem, the use of shielded wire is strongly recommended. Connect the drain wire from
the shielded cable to terminal 10 on the D9112.
The drain wire must have continuity from the panel to the last serial device on the wire
run. If you cut the cable to install devices between the last device and the panel, be
certain to reconnect the drain wire to insure continuity to the last serial device.
If continuity is not maintained between the panel and the last serial device, the shielded
cable may aggravate potential noise problems rather than eliminate them. Connecting the
drain wire to ground at other than terminal 10 on the panel may also produce problems.
Do not connect the drain wire to any other ground source.