range menu appears as shown at right.
Press the left or right arrow keys to
decrease or increase the range. The
available ranges are 0-5, 10, 20, 30,
40, 60, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500, 800,
and 1000 feet. After the desired range
is displayed, press the EXIT key to
erase the range menu.
NOTE: The depth capability of the
Accura 240 depends on the trans-
ducer installation, water and bottom
conditions, and other factors.
“Zooming” the picture is a common method used to enlarge small detail and
fish signals. The Accura 240 gives you two different zoom sizes, plus a split
screen zoom option. The zoom operation and adjustment is different in the
automatic and manual modes.
The only way to zoom the screen in automatic mode is to simply press the
ZIN (zoom-in) key. This enlarges all echoes on the screen to twice their
normal size. If you press the ZIN key again, the screen is "zoomed" to four
times normal size. To return the screen to 2X or normal, simply press the
ZOUT (zoom-out) key until the desired zoom appears. When the Accura
240 is in the 2X or 4X zooms, "2X" or "4X" appears in the lower right corner
of the screen, showing the current zoom mode.