Furuno FAR-3230S-SSD-BB Marine RADAR User Manual

3.14.2 How to do a trial maneuver
To do a trial maneuver:
1. Right click the DELAY setting in the [Trial] box
(see step 7) then select [Trial Maneuver Menu].
2. Select [1 TRIAL MANEUVER] then select
[STATIC] or [DYNAMIC] as appropriate.
3. Select [2 SPEED RATE] then set the speed rate
with the scrollwheel.
4. Select [3 TURN RATE] then set the turn rate
with the scrollwheel.
Note: Two sets of trial speed and trial turn rate
combinations are provided. This is done to pro-
vide accurate trial maneuver results for various
ship's speeds and turn rates.
5. For the B-type radar, select [4 TGT DATA] then
select whether to use [ACTUAL] or [TRIAL] da-
ta. (Skip this step if your radar is the IMO or A
6. Close the menu.
7. Find the [Trial] box at the right side of the screen.
8. Right-click the Trial title bar, select [Trial Mode] then select a trial mode, [Static] or
Delay time
Course and speed changes
completed; position where
course and speed are changed
Position of target B at end
of trial maneuver
Position of target A at end
of trial maneuver
Trial time
Trial course
Trial speed
Trial delay time
Trial ON/OFF