How to change the output power
Press the HI/LO key to change the output power between high and low alternately.
[HIGH] or [LOW] with underline appears in the [CH STATUS] area on the RT screen
depending on your selection.
1.7 How to Turn On/Off the Loudspeaker
You can turn the loudspeaker (other than DSC communication, error, and key beep)
on or off.
1. Press the key to alternately disable or enable the loudspeaker.
2. To adjust the volume of the loudspeaker, rotate the VOLUME/PWR knob (cw: vol-
ume up, ccw: volume down).
1.8 Quick Selection of CH16
Press the CH16 key to select CH16. The CH16 (156.8 MHz) is the international fre-
quency for distress traffic and for calling by radiotelephone. The CH16 can also be
used by ship stations for call and reply. To facilitate the reception of distress calls and
distress traffic, all transmissions on CH16 should be kept to a minimum and should not
exceed one minute. Before transmitting on the CH16, a station should listen on this
frequency for a reasonable period to make sure that no distress traffic is being sent.
1.9 How to Scan Dual Channels (DW)
The DW function permits watch on CH16 and an operator-selected channel. CH16
and another channel are watched at intervals of 0.15 seconds and one second, re-
1. Select the other channel to watch then press the DW/SCAN key to
show the [DW/SCAN] option.
2. With [DW] selected, push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob. The following screen ap-
pears (channel 68 is selected in the example).
Speaker ON
Speaker OFF