3.3 How to Send a Distress Relay on Behalf of a Ship
in Distress
3.3.1 How to send a distress relay to a coast station
You can send the distress relay to a coast station on behalf of a ship in distress in the
following cases:
• You are near the ship in distress and the ship in distress cannot transmit the distress
• When the master or person responsible for your ship considers that further assis-
tance is necessary.
Note: Do not use the DISTRESS key to relay distress.
1. Press the DISTRESS MSG key and the OTHER DSC MSG key simultaneously to
open the composing screen for the distress relay individual.
2. With [TO] selected, push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob.
3. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select [DIRECT INPUT], [ADDRESS
BOOK DATA] or [AIS TARGET DATA] then push the knob.
[DIRECT INPUT]: Enter the MMSI, where to send the distress relay, with the nu-
meric keys then push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob.
[ADDRESS BOOK DATA]: Select an MMSI from the [ADDRESS BOOK] (see
section 5.13) then push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob.
[AIS TARGET DATA]: Select an MMSI from the [AIS TARGET LIST] then push
4. With [DISTRESS ID] selected, push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob.
5. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select [DIRECT INPUT] or [NO INFO] then
push the knob. For [DIRECT INPUT], go to step 6. For [NO INFO], go to step 7.
6. Enter the ID (MMSI) of the ship in distress with the numeric keys then push the
7. With [NATURE] selected, push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob.
8. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select nature of distress then push the
9. With [LAT] and [LON/UTC] selected, push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob.