Hobie Hobie 16 Boat User Manual

Helpful hint: Try to get the mast pointed into
the wind so it will help you right the boat. This
can be accomplished by shifting your weight
to one end or the other and allowing the wind
to "weathervane" the boat around. A mast-
head that is stuck in a muddy bottom can be
freed in like fashion.
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Looking again at the photos, the ~ ",:"c~j ~
combinati~n of a helping wind, vigorous ;~~c~~
~~~~n~~g~~, g~~dy~~~e~~la~~~oh~d~do~
up. FIGURE 58
As it returns to upright, hold a hand up
to prevent the hull from striking you
when it comes down into the water.
Also, it is IMPORTANT that you hang
on to the righting line. Having success-
fully righted your boat will do no good
if you allow it to sail away without you.