the depth range. This feature lets you "zoom in" the display in almost
unlimited combinations. Nearly any segment of the water column, from
the surface to the bottom can be shown. This enlarges the sonar targets
to best suit your fishing needs and water conditions.
At left, Sonar Page Menu with Upper and Lower Limits command se-
lected. At right, Sonar Chart Limits menu, with Upper Limit selected.
To change the upper and lower limits:
1. From the Sonar Page, press
The Sonar Chart Limits menu appears, with Upper Limit selected.
2. To set the upper limit, press
ENT. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first
number, then press → to move the cursor to the next number and re-
peat until the depth is correct, then press
3. To set the lower limit, press ↓ to
LOWER LIMIT|ENT. Press ↑ or ↓ to
change the first number, then press → to move the cursor to the next
number and repeat until the depth is correct, then press
Normal display, in auto depth range mode, left. At right, display
"zoomed" with Upper and Lower Limits focusing on the portion of the
water column from 20 feet to 40 feet deep. In the "zoomed" image, note
the target definition at lower left, showing a fish holding just above the
structure. At top right, two game fish are attacking a school of bait fish.
Area "zoomed"
Fish arches