The ASP feature has two levels -
Normal and High. If you have high
noise levels, try using the “High” ASP
setting. However, if you are having
trouble with noise, we suggest that
you take steps to find the interference
source and fix it, rather than continu-
ally using the unit with the high ASP
setting. However, there are times when
you may want to turn the ASP feature
off. This allows you to view all incom-
ing echoes before they are processed
by the ASP feature.
To change the ASP level, press the MENU key then press the up or down
arrow keys until the "ASP" menu appears. Now use the left or right arrow
keys to change it. When you're finished, press the EXIT key to erase the
ASP menu.
The following features are available
through the "System Setup" menu. To
access this menu, press the MENU
key, then press the up or down arrow
keys until the "System Setup" menu
appears. Press the right arrow key.
The screen shown at right appears.
You can adjust the display's contrast
and turn the speaker off or on using
this menu. To do this, highlight the
"Audio/Display" label on the system
setup menu, then press the right ar-
row key. The screen at right appears.
To adjust the contrast, highlight the
"Contrast" menu, then use the left or
right arrow key to change it. Look at
the pattern at the bottom of this screen
to adjust the contrast for the best
To turn the speaker off, highlight the