Please confirm the following product warranty details before using this product.
1. Limited Warranty and Product Support.
a. Mitsubishi Electric Company ("MELCO") warrants that for a period of eighteen (18) months
after date of delivery from the point of manufacture or one year from date of Customer's
purchase, whichever is less, Mitsubishi MELSEC Safety programmable logic controllers
(the "Products") will be free from defects in material and workmanship.
b. At MELCO's option, for those Products MELCO determines are not as warranted, MELCO
shall either repair or replace them or issue a credit or return the purchase price paid for
c. For this warranty to apply:
(1)Customer shall give MELCO (i) notice of a warranty claim to MELCO and the
authorized dealer or distributor from whom the Products were purchased, (ii) the notice
shall describe in reasonable details the warranty problem, (iii) the notice shall be
provided promptly and in no event later than thirty (30) days after the Customer knows
or has reason to believe that Products are not as warranted, and (iv) in any event, the
notice must given within the warranty period;
(2)Customer shall cooperate with MELCO and MELCO's representatives in MELCO's
investigation of the warranty claim, including preserving evidence of the claim and its
causes, meaningfully responding to MELCO's questions and investigation of the
problem, grant MELCO access to witnesses, personnel, documents, physical evidence
and records concerning the warranty problem, and allow MELCO to examine and test
the Products in question offsite or at the premises where they are installed or used; and
(3)If MELCO requests, Customer shall remove Products it claims are defective and ship
them to MELCO or MELCO's authorized representative for examination and, if found
defective, for repair or replacement. The costs of removal, shipment to and from
MELCO's designated examination point, and reinstallation of repaired or replaced
Products shall be at Customer's expense.
(4)If Customer requests and MELCO agrees to effect repairs onsite at any domestic or
overseas location, the Customer will pay for the costs of sending repair personnel and
shipping parts. MELCO is not responsible for any re-commissioning, maintenance, or
testing on-site that involves repairs or replacing of the Products.
d. Repairs of Products located outside of Japan are accepted by MELCO's local authorized
service facility centers ("FA Centers"). Terms and conditions on which each FA Center
offers repair services for Products that are out of warranty or not covered by MELCO's
limited warranty may vary.
e. Subject to availability of spare parts, MELCO will offer Product repair services for (7) years
after each Product model or line is discontinued, at MELCO's or its FA Centers' rates and
charges and standard terms in effect at the time of repair. MELCO usually produces and
retains sufficient spare parts for repairs of its Products for a period of seven (7) years after
production is discontinued.
f. MELCO generally announces discontinuation of Products through MELCO's Technical
Bulletins. Products discontinued and repair parts for them may not be available after their
production is discontinued.