*1 CC-Link dedicated cable (Ver.1.00) or CC-Link dedicated high-
performance cable can be also used. Using a cable together with
another type of cable is not allowed. Attach terminating resistors
which match the cable type.(Refer to section 5.1)
*1On peut utiliser un câble dédié CC-Link (Ver.1.00) ou un câble dédié
CC-Link haute performance. Associer des types de câble différents
n'est pas autorisé. Fixer des résistances d'extrémité adaptées au type
de câble.(Se reporter à la section 5.1)
*2 Error detection using CRC32 is not performed for communication
with standard remote I/O stations or remote device stations.
2.2 Maximum Overall Cable Distance
The maximum overall cable distance differs according to the
transmission rate.
For the relation between the transmission rate and the maximum overall
cable distance, refer to the following:
CC-Link Partner Association website: http://www.cc-link.org/
2.3 CC-Link Dedicated Cable Specifications
Use CC-Link dedicated cables in the CC-Link Safety systems.
Performance of the CC-Link Safety system cannot be guaranteed if any
cables other than CC-Link dedicated cables are used.
For the specifications and any inquiries on the CC-Link dedicated
cables, refer to the following:
CC-Link Partner Association website: http://www.cc-link.org/
For details, refer to the CC-Link Cable Wiring Manual issued by the CC-Link
Partner Association.
connection cable
Câble de connexion
Version 1.10 compatible CC-Link dedicated cable *
Câble dédié CC-Link compatible Ver.1.10 *
No. of I/O occupied points 32 points (I/O assignment: 32 intelligent points)
5V DC internal current
Weight 0.12kg
Table 2.1 Performance specifications
Item Specifications