Replacement of parts
When using the safety stop function, periodic inspection is required to confirm that safety function of the safety system
operates correctly.
For more details, refer to the Safety stop function instruction manual (BCN-A211508-000). (Please contact your sales representative
for the manual.)
9.2 Replacement of parts
The inverter consists of many electronic parts such as semiconductor devices.
The following parts may deteriorate with age because of their structures or physical characteristics, leading to reduced
performance or fault of the inverter. For preventive maintenance, the parts must be replaced periodically.
Use the life check function as a guidance of parts replacement.
∗1 Estimated lifespan for when the yearly average surrounding air temperature is 40°C
(without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt etc.)
∗2 Output current: 80% of the inverter rated current
Part Name Estimated Lifespan ∗1 Description
Cooling fan 10 years Replace (as required)
Main circuit smoothing
10 years ∗2 Replace (as required)
On-board smoothing
10 years ∗2 Replace the board (as required)
Relays — as required
y For parts replacement, contact the nearest Mitsubishi FA Center.