Drum Head Seals
There is 1 set of drum head seals (Figure 23) that will
require lubrication.
Figure 23. Grease Fittings (Drum Head Seals)
Drum Bearing Bracket Lubrication
There is 1 set of drum bearing brackets (Figure 24) that
will require lubrication. These brackets are intended to
make the drum rotate freely. Lubricate the grease fitting for
each drum bearing bracket every month or when the
drum becomes difficult to position using multi-purpose
grade grease.
Figure 24. Grease Fittings
(Dumping Mechanism)
Important- Drum Head Seal Care
Grease seals every 40 hours of operation
using any grade #1 lithium base grease. Apply
grease until visible of mixing tub (over grease).
This will purge seal system of contamination.
Countershaft Bearing Lubrication
There is 1 set of countershaft bearings (Figure 25) that will
require lubrication. Lubricate the grease fitting for each
countershaft bearing every 40 hours of operation using
any grade lithium base grease.
Figure 25. Grease Fittings (Countershaft)
Grease Fittings (Zerk) Maintenance (Electric Motor)
1. 1.There are two grease (Figure 18) fittings at each
end of the electric motor that will require lubrication.
Lubricate these fittings about every 16 months.
2. Use Poleyrex EM (Exxon Mobil) or equalivant lubricant.
Clean grease fitting, apply grease gun to fitting (1/2
shot). Remember too much grease or injecting grease
too quickly can cause premature bearing failure. Slowly
apply the recommended amount of grease, taking a
miniute or so to apply.
Figure 26. Grease Fittings Electric Motor
Lubricating Grease Fittings
Failure to lubricate the drum bearing grease fittings
periodically will cause the dumping mechanism
to stiffen, making the mixing drum hard to dump.