This chapter describes some of the most important functions
of the GEONAV, as well as the terms most commonly used in
this document.
Switching on/Switching off the unit
To switch the GEONAV on, press the PWR key. To switch it
off, keep the PWR key pressed for more than 3 seconds.
Welcome page
At start-up, the GEONAV displays a welcome page whose text
(e.g., the boat’s name) can be edited by the Setup menu (see the
Setup Section). To freeze the page displayed, press ENTER. To
unfreeze the page and continue with the instrument’s opera-
tion, press ENTER again.
Depth sounder
If connected to a depth sounder via NMEA, the GEONAV will
enable the depth sounder mode, showing a graph of the sea
bed or the relevant data in numerical form.
The depth value can be expressed in meters (default value),
feet or fathoms; to select the unit, press GOTO, then choose
Sailing functions
If connected to a mast head transducer (anemometer), the
GEONAV will automatically enable the Sailing mode, once the
wind speed and direction data have been received, and pro-
vided that the Sailing window is enabled via the Setup menu.
Navigation mode (automatic)
At start-up, the GEONAV automatically enables the Navigation
mode, as soon as the GPS transmits a valid fix; when in Navi-
gation mode:
• The manual cursor is not displayed
• The depth sounder window can be accessed
Functional Characteristics