The GEONAV is in Navigation mode; by the joystick, it is
possible to switch to Cursor mode (editing mode). The cursor
position is shown by two windows. The joystick allows mov-
ing in all directions.
To plot a route starting from the boat’s position, move the cur-
sor to the position desired and press ENTER to insert a waypoint,
that will be indicated by a circle containing the number 1.
The windows will also show the time to reach the target
waypoint, distance, bearing and estimated time to arrive.
Press the EXIT key to go back to Navigation mode.
To add more waypoints, enter the Cursor mode by using the
joystick and repeat the operations described above.
As new waypoints are added, the numbering will increase
progressively. In case of error, waypoints can be deleted by
pressing the CLR key (Cursor mode), starting from the last en-
tered. To go back to Navigation mode, press EXIT.
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