to any external device (PC, printer, server, etc.) connected to
the same network.
The IP address setting is carried out through the Setup menu.
Press the GOTO key to display the main menu, then select
SETUP/GENERAL, and position on the NETWORK IP AD-
DRESS option.
A window will show the instrument’s IP address as
192.168.xxx.yyy: set the same xxx value (0 to 255) for all the
plotters connected to the network, whereas the yyy value (0 to
255) must be different for each plotter connected.
Set the address range values so as all the yyy values for all the
plotters connected fall inside the first...last range.
Within the same window, the SHOW INFO option allows dis-
playing the network connection status (MAC address, IP ad-
dress, etc.), whereas the PING option allows testing the re-
sponse of an IP address from the network).
Ethernet Connection