Defining WLAN connection settings
Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Note: The WEP mode provides a lower
level of security than the Wi-Fi
Protected Access (WPA) mode. If you
use the WEP mode, you should change
the key regularly.
When this security mode is selected and you press
Next, the following dialog will be shown. Configure
the WEP key by selecting its number, length and
type and then entering the key.
Note: A WEP key can be entered in
hexadecimal (HEX) or text (ASCII)
format. It is important that the same
notation is used both in the access point
and the Nokia 9500 Communicator. A
104 bit WEP key is the same as a 128 bit
WEP key, and you should enter 26
characters if you are using the HEX
format, or 13 characters if you are using
the ASCII format. Similarly, a 40 (64) bit
WEP key requires 10 (HEX) or 5 (ASCII)
characters, and a 232 (256) bit key
requires 58 (HEX) or 29 (ASCII)
• 802.1x — This security mode is provided in order to
support the legacy Dynamic WEP system, and to
support networks that are migrating from Dynamic
WEP to Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). In this mode,
Nokia 9500 Communicator is able to join both
dynamic WEP and WPA networks. Dynamic WEP
refers to the fact that WEP keys are not static or pre-
configured, but they are dynamically generated as
part of the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
authentication procedure. If WLAN access points
support WPA, then it is recommended to use the
WPA security mode instead of this mode.
• WPA — The Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) security
mode provides the highest level of security among
the WLAN security modes of Nokia 9500
Communicator. As required by the Wi-Fi
specifications, WEP ciphering is not allowed in this
mode, so Temporal Key Integrity Protection (TKIP) is
used as the ciphering method.
When this security mode is selected and you press
Next, the following dialog will be shown. Select EAP
in order to use Extensible Authentication Protocol
(EAP) based logon, or select Pre-shared key to use a
master password, which you must then enter. Page 6 Friday, December 9, 2005 1:08 PM