Series EM4000/EM4800 930-112-01-D.00
22 ©2013 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
To change the current rating for all probes assigned to a meter point:
1. Select a meter from the Meter Points (Circuits) List. The selected meter will
appear in the Name field of the middle pane. See Figure 14.
2. In the Alter Current for Probes pane, enter the desired value referenced to the
CT primary rating in the Current field, and click on Change Probes in Selected
To change the current rating for all probes assigned to all meter points:
1. In the Alter Current for Probes pane, enter the desired value referenced to the
CT primary rating in the Current field, and click on Change all Probes in all
Meters. See Figure 14.
Badge Numbering
Each meter point can be configured with a name defined by the user. The meter
point name, known as the badge number, can be up to 13 alphanumeric characters
in length. The Badge Numbering pane allows the user to set two types of badge
• sequential, which assigns a badge number to each meter point after the prefix
(for example CORP-00000001 to CORP-00000012)
• grouped by meter, which uses a base prefix to designate the meter, then
assigns a sequential badge number suffix to each meter point assigned to that
meter (for example CORP-00001-01 to CORP-00001-12)
The configuration tool provides examples before the badge number is assigned to
the meter. In the Badge Numbering pane shown in Figure 15, the following fields
and buttons are provided for assigning badge numbers:
• Prefix field - an alphanumeric field that prefixes the number field.
• Badge Number field - a numeric field that becomes part of the prefix for meter
points assigned to that meter, or the first number in the sequence to be
assigned to individual meter points.
• Badge Number Width field - a numeric field that defines the number of digits in
the badge number field. Zeroes (0) are automatically entered at the beginning of
the badge number field until the total number of digits in the badge number field
equals the number of digits defined in the badge number width field.
• Incremental badge numbers button - selecting this button assigns a sequential
badge number for each meter point
• Single badge number button - selecting this button assigns one badge number
prefix followed by a numeric suffix for each meter point assigned to that meter.
• Assign Badge Numbers button - selecting this button implements the badge
numbering defined by the user in the previous fields.