Sterling SGFE Marine Battery User Manual

2.2. War ning Mes sa ges and Sym bols
The fol lo wing war ning mes sa ges and sym bols are used in the se ope ra ting in -
struc tions:
This sym bol in di ca tes dan ger to life! Fa tal or se ri ous in ju ry is
pos si ble if the cor re spon ding in struc tions, re gu la tions or war -
nings are not ob ser ved.
This sym bol in di ca tes that se ri ous in ju ry is pos si ble if the cor -
re spon ding in struc tions, re gu la tions or war nings are not ob -
ser ved.
This sym bol in di ca tes that ex ten si ve da ma ge to equip ment
is pos si ble if the cor re spon ding in struc tions, re gu la tions or
war nings are not ob ser ved.
This sym bol in di ca tes in for ma ti on im por tant for be co ming fa -
mi li ar with the equip ment, i.e. tech ni cal cor re la tions.
This sym bol in di ca tes that a tech ni cal term is ex plai ned at
this point.
War ning Mes sa ges and Sym bols
Con cer ning the se Ope ra ting In struc tions 2-2