Sterling SGFE Marine Battery User Manual

The va cu um ge ne ra tor should be in stal led near the equip ment, to avoid loss of
per for man ce through lea ka ge and fric ti on.
Only fle xi ble con nec tions should be used to join up the pi pes.
The con trol unit should be in stal led in cle ar view of the va cu um ge ne ra tor.
To keep noi se to a mi ni num, we re com mend in stal la ti on in an en clo sed spa ce.
5.6.1. Ro ta ry lobe va cu um pump GDK
The fan is equip ped with a se pa ra te elec tric mo tor which must
be con nec ted to 24 V.
5.7. In stal ling the ac ces so ries
The ope ra ting in struc tions must be fol lo wed.
In stal ling the ac ces so ries
As sem bly in struc tions 5-6