SWRS041B Page 81 of 89
38 Test Output Signals
The two digital output pins CCA and SFD,
can be set up to output test signals
defined by IOCFG1.CCAMUX and
IOCFG1.SFDMUX. This is summarized in
Table 12 and Table 13 below.
Signal output on CCA pin Description
0 CCA Normal operation
1 ADC_Q[0] ADC, Q-branch, LSB used for random number generation
2 DEMOD_RESYNC_LATE High one 16 MHz clock cycle each time the demodulator
resynchronises late
4 MOD_CHIPCLK Chip rate clock signal during transmission
5 MOD_SERIAL_CLK Bit rate clock signal during transmission
6 FFCTRL_FS_PD Frequency synthesizer power down, active high
7 FFCTRL_ADC_PD ADC power down, active high
8 FFCTRL_VGA_PD VGA power down, active high
9 FFCTRL_RXBPF_PD Receiver bandpass filter power down, active high
10 FFCTRL_LNAMIX_PD Receiver LNA / Mixer power down, active high
11 FFCTRL_PA_P_PD Power amplifier power down, active high
12 AGC_UPDATE High one 16 MHz clock cycle each time the AGC updates its gain
13 VGA_PEAK_DET[1] VGA Peak detector, gain stage 1
14 VGA_PEAK_DET[3] VGA Peak detector, gain stage 3
15 AGC_LNAMIX_GAINMODE[1] RF receiver front-end gain mode, bit 1
16 AGC_VGA_GAIN[1] VGA gain setting, bit 1
17 VGA_RESET_N VGA peak-detector reset sign, active low.
18 - Reserved
19 - Reserved
20 - Reserved
21 - Reserved
22 - Reserved
23 CLK_8M 8 MHz clock signal output
24 XOSC16M_STABLE 16 MHz crystal oscillator stabilised, same as the status bit in Table
25 FSDIG_FREF Frequency synthesizer, 4 MHz reference signal
26 FSDIG_FPLL Frequency synthesizer, 4 MHz divided signal
27 FSDIG_LOCK_WINDOW Frequency synthesizer, lock window
28 WINDOW_SYNC Frequency synthesizer, synchronized lock window
29 CLK_ADC ADC clock signal 1
30 ZERO Low
31 ONE High
Table 12. CCA test signal select table