SWRS041B Page 87 of 89
Revision Date Description/Changes
1.2 2004-06-09 Output power range: 24 dB (was 40 dB).
Deleted option for single ended external PA.
Adjacent channel rejection corrected to 46 dB for + 5MHz (was 39 dB), 39 dB for –5
MHz (was 46 dB) 58 dB for +10 MHz (was 53 dB) and 55 dB for-10 MHz (was 57 dB).
“image channel” deleted in text for In band spurious reception.
Revision for reference [1] updated.
CSMA-CA added to abbreviations.
Schematic view of the IEEE 802.15.4 Frame Format corrected, address field 0 to 20
Changed blocking specifications to relate to EN 300 440 class 2.
Updated addresses for Chipcon offices.
Added section Operating Conditions.
Section RAM access: A6:0 (LSB).
IOCFG0.BCN_ACCEPT bit added and described in section Address recognition and
IOCFG0 register.
The previous IDLE mode has been renamed to power down to be consistent with
other Chipcon data sheets. Three power modes defined: Voltage regulator off (OFF),
Power down (PD) (Voltage regulator enabled), IDLE (XOSC running) and used
throughout the document.
TXMIXBUF_CUR[1:0] in table for TXCTRL set to 2.
Added information: compliance with EN 300 328 og EN 300 440 (Class 2).
Added more information about
FIFOP in section Receive mode.
Removed text about SO programmable pull up from entire document.
In Voltage regulator section of Electrical Specifications: voltage regulator may only
supply CC2420.
MANFIDH.VERSION register, changed to ”current version is 2”.
Included package height in package drawing.
Included layout drawing for package.
Power supply pins defined clearer in Absolute maximum ratings.
Third harmonic level corrected to –51dBm in Electrical specifications, second
harmonic to –37dBm.
Table with Crystal oscillator component values corrected.
Link to reference [3] corrected.
Corrected spelling grammar and references to tables and figures.
Figure showing SmartRF Studio user interface included.
Added figure to describe pin activity during RXFIFO read out.
Added description on how to connect pins when not using internal regulator.
1.1 2004-03-22 Application circuits: Pin 20 and pin 37 connected to 1.8 V from VREG_OUT.
Added document history table.
1.0 2003-11-17 Initial release.
42.2 Product Status Definitions
Data Sheet Identification Product Status Definition
Advance Information Planned or Under
This data sheet contains the design specifications for
product development. Specifications may change in
any manner without notice.
Preliminary Engineering Samples
and First Production
This data sheet contains preliminary data, and
supplementary data will be published at a later date.
Chipcon reserves the right to make changes at any
time without notice in order to improve design and
supply the best possible product.
No Identification Noted Full Production This data sheet contains the final specifications.
Chipcon reserves the right to make changes at any
time without notice in order to improve design and
supply the best possible product.
Obsolete Not In Production This data sheet contains specifications on a product
that has been discontinued by Chipcon. The data
sheet is printed for reference information only.