8.3. Utilizing panel (LEDs and keys) by communication
The VF-AS1 can display data that is not related to the inverters through an external controller or
other means. Input by key operations can also be executed. The use of inverter resources re-
duces the cost for the entire system.
8.3.1. LED setting by communication
Desired LED information can be displayed by communication.
<How to Set>
Set the standard monitor display selection parameter to “communication LED setting
When in the standard monitor mode status, LED information is displayed according to the setting of
Communication Number FA65. (Set to Communication Number FA65 = 1 and initial data “”
in shipment setting)
In case of an alarm while setting communication LEDs, the alarm display will alternately display
specified LED data and alarm message.
For example, if an over-current alarm (alarm display “”) occurs while “.” is displayed by this
function, “” and “.” will be displayed alternately.
Parameter Name Range
FA65 Select display by communication 0: Numeric data (FA66, FA67, FA68)
1: ASCII data 1 (FA70, FA71, FA72, FA73,
2: ASCII data 2 (FA75, FA76, FA77, FA78,
FA66 Numeric display data
(Enabled if FA65=0)
0-9999 0
FA67 Decimal point position
(Enabled if FA65=0)
0: No decimal point (xxxx)
1: First digit below decimal point (xxx.x)
2: Second digit below decimal point (xx.xx)
FA68 LED data 0 for unit
(Enabled if FA65=0)
0:Hz off, % off, 1:Hz on, % off
2:Hz off, % on, 3:Hz on, % on
FA70 ASCII display data 1, first digit from
(Enabled if FA65=1)
0 – 127 (0 – 7FH)
(See ASCII LED display code chart)
64H (’d’)
FA71 ASCII display data 1, second digit
from left
(Enabled if FA65=1)
0 – 256 (0 – FFH)
(See ASCII LED display code chart)
41H (’A’)
FA72 ASCII display data 1, third digit from
(Enabled if FA65=1)
0 – 256 (0 – FFH)
(See ASCII LED display code chart)
74H (’t’)
FA73 ASCII display data 1, fourth digit from
(Enabled if FA65=1)
0 – 127 (0 – 7FH)
(See ASCII LED display code chart)
41H (’A’)
FA74 LED data 1 for unit
(Enabled if FA65=1)
0:Hz off, % off, 1:Hz on, % off
2:Hz off, % on, 3:Hz on, % on
FA75 ASCII display data 2, first digit from
(Enabled if FA65=2)
0 – 127 (0 – 7FH)
(See ASCII LED display code chart)
30H (’0’)
FA76 ASCII display data 2, second digit
from left
(Enabled if FA65=2)
0 – 256 (0 – FFH)
(See ASCII LED display code chart)
30H (’0’)
FA77 ASCII display data 2, third digit from
(Enabled if FA65=2)
0 – 256 (0 – FFH)
(See ASCII LED display code chart))
30H (’0’)
FA78 ASCII display data 2, fourth digit from
(Enabled if FA65=2)
0 – 127 (0 – 7FH)
(See ASCII LED display code chart)
30H (’0’)
FA79 LED data 2 for unit
(Enabled if FA65=2)
0:Hz off, % off, 1:Hz on, % off
2:Hz off, % on, 3:Hz on, % on
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