Remote Commands
OUTPut Commands
calibration factor (see ) to set the attenuation
factor to the required value for use as the base
value for the through-power
= (Through - Power
- Att) + Cal
When you switch the absolute power mode
OFF, the last set calibration factor becomes
active, and the attenuation factor is set so that
the filter attenuation does not change. That is
Att(dB) = Attenuation
(dB) + Cal(dB)
NOTE Using any of the :INPut:ATTenuation commands or queries, or
any of the :INPut:OFFSet commands or queries, switches the
absolute power mode off automatically.
See “:OUTPut:POWer” on page 112 for
information on setting the through-power.
Switch the mode off (using OFF or 0) to set the
attenuation of the filter by specifying the
attenuation and calibration factors. Switch the
mode on (using ON or 1) to set the attenuation
of the filter by specifying the through-power.
Syntax :OUTPut:APMode?
Description The query returns whether the attenuation of
the filter is set by the attenuation and
calibration factors, or by the through-power.
0 indicates the instrument sets the attenuation
of the filter from the attenuation and calibration
factors. 1 indicates that the instrument sets the
attenuation of the filter from the through-